10 October

    2012 October 15 -- October 17: Maintenance Visit

    Menno Norden and Henri Meulman visited from ASTRON to work on the station

    Updates etc. in the Container:
    • RCU modem firmware upgrade to version V12. This removes the DC from the communication line when it is not used.
    • Upgrade of the firmware of the TBB boot-loader. This is to improve the stability of the boards. (Less TBBs stuck in  "not available" and needing a 24V reset.)
    • RCU number 10 replaced, it had low gain in LBH
    LBA work:
    • replaced the antennas number: 4, 6, 19, 22, 27, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 43, 46, 52, 65, 69, 74, 75, 76, 82, 89, 92 (to get the RCU number multiply by two)
    • LBA 19 has one broken cable.
    HBA work:
    • Replaced HBA frontend boards (tile-number - FE-number): 19 - 15, 20 - 7, 20 - 11, 34 - 7, 52 - 15, 53 - 14, 71 - 9, 89 - 16
    • Tested all antenneas and elements with a test transmitter.
    • Polarization tests of the HBA did not work, there is not enough space to put the test transmitter at the right distance in the right direction.

    2012 October 22

    Testing the station:

    HBAs are all fine as far as I can test:

    • modemtest without errors
    • all tiles gave a good looking signal


    • RCU 74: low-power
    • RCU 119: high power at low frequencies, went away after going to rcumode 2 and back
    • all other LBAs are fine.

    2012 October 23

    Olaf's cross-correlation tests:

    The HBAs seem fine.

    At the LBAs ther are the following problems:

    • rcu 39 sometimes high
    • rcu 68 low (but stable)
    • rcu 74 low (but stable)
    • rcu 119 often high
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