20th EVGA Meeting and 12th Analysis Workshop 2011 Redirected from Cooperations/20th EVGA Meeting and 12th Analysis Workshop 2011

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in Bonn, Germany, on invitation of the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy

March 28: DiFX workshop - 10 participants
March 28: MCI Neidhardt - 5 participants

March 29 - 30: EVGA Meeting - 80 participants
March 31, morning: Analysis Workshop - 55 participants
March 31, morning: DiFX workshop - 10 participants

March 31, afternoon: Effelsberg trip - 58 seats


LOC:  Walter Alef
Axel Nothnagel
Simone Bernhart
Beate Naunheim
Hermann Sturm

Waiting list:

Video streaming of the meeting:

The meeting will be streamed to the Internet (provided all speakers give their consent).

  • Video will be fixed on the screen. A small area on the right will be visible, too, where we expect the speakers will stand.
  • Audio: There will be 2 microphones, one handheld for the chairman, one for the speaker

Streaming address is: http://stream.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de

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