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    Day 1 (monday Mar. 28)
    9:00      Welcome (Helge, Walter A.), organizational matters, around-the-table introductions
    9:15      Correlator Reports (Roger, Dave, Kerry ?)
    10:30    Coffee Break
    11:00    Correlator Reports Part 2 (Walter B., Helge)
    12:30    Lunch
    13:45    DiFX and phased array operations (Adam)
    14:30    DiFX for geodesy (Alessandra)
    15:00    Demonstration of DiFX tools (Walter B.)
    15:30    Coffee Break
    16:00    Tour of the MPIfR compute cluster (Walter A.)
    16:45    Open time / discussion
                  - RadioAstron support (James ?)
                  - Transients (Walter B. ?)
                  - other suggestions ?
    18:00    Disband for the day

    Day 2 (thursday, Mar. 31)
    9:00    Meeting start
               No agenda for this day. Focus on operational issues:
                - GUI  & current database schema (Helge)
                - database extension: media-library framework (Helge)
                - other suggestions.

    12:30  Lunch
    13:30   Departure to Effelsberg
    14:30   Visit of 100m radio telescope
    16:30   Return to Bonn


    Dave Boboltz USNO Status Report: SW Correlator & eVLBI Boboltz_EVGA_meeting_Mar2011.pdf
    Roger Cappallo Haystack Correlation Activities & Plans Cappallo_Haystack status 2011.pdf
    Helge Rottmann MPIfR Correlator Report Rottmann_CorrelatorReport_2011.pdf
    Walter Brisken Update on DifX at NRAO Brisken_20110328_Difx_Bonn_NRAO.pdf
    Alessandra Bertarini DiFX vs Mark IV: A Geodetic User‘s Perspective Bertarini_bonn_difx.pdf
    Adam Deller Phased Arrays in DiFX Deller_difx_leap.pdf
    Martin Ettl Unit testing Ettl_simple_testsuite.doc.pdf
    Helge Rottmann DiFX DB developments Rottmann_DiFXDB_2011.pdf
    Walter Brisken Summary of available DiFX programs / tools


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