Points from the meeting
- Welcome
- Agenda accepted
- Minutes accepted
- AIs... (see paper)
- Permanent action items (reminder)
- Reliability and performance (Jay) (see Presentation)
- Triangular bandpasses for some subb. e.g. Noto (DDC 16 MHz); Could there be a DDC problem?
- N16M1 Eff no LCP; IF5R always low amp
- low power (ca. 1/2) often for some stations (state counts fine though)
- need feedback related to potential backend problems
- correlate DBBC software/firmware versions in the logs against problems found (put in soon by FS?)
- Amplitude calibration
- Jb bad as usual, worse than before,
- Sh Problem
- Good long-term plots showed
- POSTOB mechanism still possible?
- Gino's presentation
- V16 needs latest test version of FS
- Problem of 15_2 not seen with latest V16 in last weeks test
- Recorders
- VDIF fits better with Ethernet output of FiLA10G
- New features of new test version of JIVE5ab (see presentation);
- multiple FiLA streams now possible local recording only, bookkeeping per sender,
- tuning for very high data rate needed. see docu on web
- scan_check: problem because of no sync word, no wall clock, degenerate bit-rate - threads, sync word of VLBA would help a little, use extended header to solve the problem?
- Irbene slowly getting on-line; eMERLIN slow progress as VLBI has low priority.
- eVLBI; limited at 2 Gbps; Kvazar 1 Gb total
- Technical Developments
- 4 Gbps as ususal: equipment needed
- Triggered observations - nothing
- New Flexbuff utilities:
, vbs_rm
, vbs_fs
option -6
for Mark6; vbs_ls -lrth
; -T option gives sizes for patterns - check performace of
on Mark 6! Cache issue in OS, --quick
option. touch
for trigerring indexing