TOG St.Petersburg

    Table of contents

    Points from the meeting

    1. Welcome
    2. Agenda accepted
    3. Minutes accepted
    4. AIs... (see paper)
    5. Permanent action items (reminder)
    6. Reliability and performance (Jay) (see Presentation)
      • Triangular bandpasses for some subb. e.g. Noto (DDC 16 MHz); Could there be a DDC problem?
      • N16M1 Eff no LCP; IF5R always low amp
      • low power (ca. 1/2) often for some stations (state counts fine though)
      • need feedback related to potential backend problems
      • correlate DBBC software/firmware versions in the logs against problems found (put in soon by FS?)
    7. Amplitude calibration
      • Jb bad as usual, worse than before,
      • Sh Problem
      • Good long-term plots showed
      • POSTOB mechanism still possible?
    8. DBBC2
      • Gino's presentation
      • V16 needs latest test version of FS
      • Problem of 15_2 not seen with latest V16 in last weeks test
    9. Recorders
      • VDIF fits better with Ethernet output of FiLA10G
      • New features of new test version of JIVE5ab (see presentation);
        • multiple FiLA streams now possible local recording only, bookkeeping per sender,
        • tuning for very high data rate needed. see docu on web
        • scan_check: problem because of no sync word, no wall clock, degenerate bit-rate - threads, sync word of VLBA would help a little, use extended header to solve the problem?
    10. Irbene slowly getting on-line; eMERLIN slow progress as VLBI has low priority.
    11. eVLBI; limited at 2 Gbps; Kvazar 1 Gb total
    12. Technical Developments
      • 4 Gbps as ususal: equipment needed
      • Triggered observations - nothing
      • New Flexbuff utilities: vbs_ls, vbs_rm, vbs_fs  option -6 for Mark6; vbs_ls -lrth; -T option gives sizes for patterns
        • check performace of vbs_fs on Mark 6!  Cache issue in OS, --quick option. touch for trigerring indexing
      • Graphical tool for mcopy, drag and drop
      • VGOS tests with 2 DDBC2s and 8 Gbps to 1 Mark 6: Firmware problems in DBBC2, problems with Mark 6
      • DBBC3 ad
    13. JIVE spiel
      • Meerkat as VLBI element
      • jumping jive: Geodesy?
    14. FS (see presentation) 9.11.16 with good changes, additions, and if command
    15. KVN Python FS !!
    16. Leonid: Use numerical weather models to get opacity. Thomas should talk with him.
    17. Mid-term future: IF systems have to become wide.
    18. Radionet4. Did my ad, geodesy of rene Discarded.
    19. Next meeting??
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