20th EVGA Meeting and 12th Analysis Workshop 2011

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    in Bonn, Germany, on invitation of the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy

    Dates: March 29 - 31, EVGA Meeting
    March 31, Analysis Workshop

    LOC:  Walter Alef
    Axel Nothnagel
    Simone Bernhart
    Beate Naunheim
    Hermann Sturm

    Waiting list:

    1. James Anderson, MPIfR
    2. Arnaud Collioud, Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux, talk
    3. David Bobolz, USNO
    4. Patrick Charlot (last day), Bordeaux
    5. Franco Mantovani, INAF (visiting MPIfR)
    6. Carsten Rieck, SP Technical Institute of Sweden, talk
    7. Sabine Bachmann, BKG
    8. Chopo Ma, NASA GSFC
    9. Andrei Finkelstein, IAA St. Petersburg
