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    C212A Correlation Report


    Station Code Fringes Plots Comments
    Ef B yes    
    Pv P yes    
    On X yes    
    Ys Y yes    
    Mh Z yes    
    Br b yes    
    Fd f yes    
    La l yes    
    Nl n yes    
    Ov o yes    
    Kp k yes    
    Pt p yes    
    Mk m yes    
    Sc s     7mm only
    Hn h     7mm only
    Gb G yes   data corrupted (see below). RCP and LCP threads mixed.
    Nn N yes    
    Ky y      
    Ku u yes    
    Kt t yes    


    Data completness
    • Ef: missed scans: c212a_No0039 c212a_No0041 c212a_No0042 c212a_No0046
    • Mh missed scans: c212a_No0001
    • Ys: No0009 - No0014 corrupted data files

    Ky: File /data/c212a/ky/c212a_KVNYS_274071501.vdif VDIF summary failed with return value -5

    Kt: File /data/c212a/kt/c212a_KVNTN_274070001.vdif VDIF summary failed with return value -5

    NOEMA: LCP time shift

    Timeserver on one of the polyfix units was not running leading to a timeshift between LCP and RCP in the beginning of the session including the fringe test. The issue was fixed on DOY 274  09:51:40.0 UT. Last affected scan was No202 of c212a.

    GBT: corrupted data

    Issue: Strong GBT fringes in LCP found but no detection in RCP (tested on scans 189 and 191).

    Diagnostics: Inspection of the VDIF structure shows 8 threads as expected. However the threads with odd IDs (representing LCP channels) are offset considerably (> 150 frames). The suspicion was that RCP frames possibly get dropped by DiFX due to these gap sizes exceeding the read buffer sizes (even though this seems unlikely because of the even-threaded data yielding fringes).

    Test 1:

    To check whether the RCP data in principle is OK the v2d setup for GBT was split into two separate datastreams; one for LCP and one for RCP:


    Correlation still yielded no RCP fringes (all WEIGHTS 0) with .difxlog summary:

    mark6-06 INFO  VDIF multiplexing statistics: nValidFrame=153 nInvalidFrame=0 nDiscardedFrame=0 nWrongThread=18421482 nSkippedByte=0 nFillByte=0 nDuplicateFrame=0 bytesProcessed=92697667320 nGoodFrame=38 nCall=8661
    mark6-06 INFO  VDIF multiplexing statistics: nValidFrame=9938486 nInvalidFrame=0 nDiscardedFrame=359095 nWrongThread=153 nSkippedByte=0 nFillByte=0 nDuplicateFrame=8851360 bytesProcessed=92697667320 nGoodFrame=2482554 nCall=23029
    mark6-06 ERROR  One or more wrong-threads were identified.  This may indicate a correlator configuration error.
    mark6-06 ERROR  One or more wrong-threads were identified.  This may indicate a correlator configuration error.
    mark6-06 ERROR  One or more duplicate data frames (same time and thread) were found.  This may indicate serious problems with the digital back end configuration.

    WEIGHTS for LCP are around 0.94. This might indicate also problems in LCP thread(s).

    Inspection with vdifcontinuitycheck shows duplicate thread IDs for the LCP file indicating that RCP threads were written with wrong (odd RCP) thread IDs:

    Threads alignment       :  0[+0] 1[+156] 2[+1] 3[+157] 4[+2] 5[+158] 6[+3] 7[+159] frames
    Thread 1 Second 8106300 :  25580 frames : #0--#12799 : 0 lost, 639 out-of-order, 0 invalid, 12780 dup, of 12800 total
    Thread 3 Second 8106300 :  25580 frames : #0--#12799 : 0 lost, 639 out-of-order, 0 invalid, 12780 dup, of 12800 total
    Thread 5 Second 8106300 :  25580 frames : #0--#12799 : 0 lost, 639 out-of-order, 0 invalid, 12780 dup, of 12800 total
    Thread 7 Second 8106300 :  25580 frames : #0--#12799 : 0 lost, 639 out-of-order, 0 invalid, 12780 dup, of 12800 total

    Test 2:

    The VDIF file was split into two separate files using modifyVDIF:

    modifyVDIF --extract=6,4,2,0 /mark6-06_fuse/1/C212A_GB_No0762 /data/c212a/gb/C212A_GB_No0762_RCP
    modifyVDIF --extract=7,5,3,1 /mark6-06_fuse/1/C212A_GB_No0762 /data/c212a/gb/C212A_GB_No0762_LCP

    The produced files vary largely in size:

    1066784        11. Mär 09:56 C212A_GB_No0766_RCP
    154581691424   11. Mär 10:09 C212A_GB_No0766_LCP

    Using the separated files for correlation still results in 0 WEIGHTS and no fringes in RCP. Same results concerning duplicate thread IDs as described in test1.

    Conclusion: (even) RCP threads apparently have been configured with the wrong thread IDs (odd LCP threads) for some portion of the session. This leads to duplicate threads even thread IDs. The extended header carries no informaton that permist to separate the correct from the incorrect threads. Even though LCP correlation has shown fringes it consists of a mixture of LCP and RCP threads. This is also refelcted by the fairly large SNR in the LR cross correlations.

    Problem seems to have been fixed from scan C212B_GB_No0631 onwards. All scans prior will have to be discarded.

    Fourfit plot with native 64MHz band stations e.g. BP show only USB channels (4 total instead of 8)

    Post-Correlation checks


    FITS completeness (pclist)