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    Version as of 14:19, 22 Jul 2024

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    enlightenedILT Operations may want to take over control at any moment. In such a case, I'll make the announcement to the


    enlightenedPlease send your schedules to lofar-obs@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de, or contact Masaya Kuniyoshi.


    Day   Start   Stop   Observer   Task   Hardware
    Mon 24. Oct 00:00 12:00 ILT station calibration et al. LCU
    Mon 24. Oct 15:00 16:00 Masaya file check LCU
    Mon 24. Oct 09:00 18:00 Masaya MS, Jones Matrix et al. lofar3
    Tue 25. Oct 09:00 18:00 Masaya MS, Jones Matrix et al. lofar3
    Tue 25. Oct 09:00 14:00 Charlotte pulsar, pelican et al. LCU, lofar1a-4a
    Tue 25. Oct 14:00 19:00 James software, hardware et al. LCU, lofar1, lofar2, lofar4
    Wed 26. Oct 10:00 18:00 Masaya Jones Matrix et al. lofar3
    Wed 26. Oct 18:00 19:00 Masaya software et al. LCU
    Wed 26. Oct 13:00 18:00 Charlotte pulsar, pelican LCU, lofar1a-4a
    Thu 27. Oct 00:00 04:00 James pulsar LCU, lofar1, lofar3
    Thu 27. Oct 13:00 17:00 Menno software, hardware LCU
    Thu 27. Oct 00:00 18:00 James pulsar, software et al. lofar1, lofar3
    Thu 27. Oct 10:00 18:00 Masaya Jones Matric et al. lofar3
    Thu 27. Oct 14:00 18:00 Masaya Jones Matric et al. lofarsrv
    Fri 28. Oct 13:00 17:00 Menno software, hardware LCU
    angryFri 28. Oct 10:00 18:00 Charlotte pulsar, pelican LCU, lofar1a-4a
    Sat 29. Oct          
    Sun 30. Oct          
    Mon 31. Oct          


    angryILT Operations may want to take over control. When there is an observation request from ILT, Masaya makes the announcement to the observer.