C231D Correlation Report
what | date |
Preparing for correlation | 5 Dec 2023 |
Ready to start v1 correlation once A, B tracks finish, and copying ofMPI%8027 to /data/c231d/Mk/ has finished | 27 Dec 2023 |
Correlation v1 3mm preparing - todo fix wrong ATCA position, clock adjust | 15 Jan 2023 |
Correlation v1 3mm started with the above fixes | 15 Jan 2023 |
Correlation v1 3mm finished | 23 Jan 2023 |
| |
Waiting for ALMA QA2 calibration tables | ... |
Station | Code | Fringes | Plots | Comments |
ALMA | | yes | | |
NOEMA | | yes | | |
KVN Ku Ky | | yes | | |
KVN-Mopra | | yes | | |
Mopra-ATCA | | yes | | ATCA IF1 has a delay offset wrt IF2, and had refpad W104 rather than W110 |
Mopra-JCMT | | yes | | |
GLT-NOEMA | | yes | | |
EU | | yes | | |
EU-VLBA | | yes | | |
LMT | | no | | |
| | | | |
Post-Correlation checks
Note, ALMA (A) not polconverted yet.

Residual delay for VLBA_NL a bit high at 0.10 to 0.15 usec.
FITS completeness (pclist)