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    Ef 90 cm UHF 18 cm 21 cm 6 cm 5 cm1 5 cm2 S/X X 22 GHz 43 GHz
    90 cm - Direct by setting new LO 2 hours (prime focus, manual change) 2 hours (prime focus, manual change) 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time) 2 hours (prime focus, manual change) 2 hours (prime focus, manual change) 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time) 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time) 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time) 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time)
    UHF Direct by setting new LO - 2 hours (prime focus, manual change) 2 hours (prime focus, manual change) 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time) 2 hours (prime focus, manual change) 2 hours (prime focus, manual change) 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time) 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time) 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time) 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time)
    18 cm - - - Direct by setting new LO 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time) 2 hours (prime focus, manual change) 2 hours (prime focus, manual change) 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time) 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time) 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time) 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time)
    21 cm - - Direct by setting new LO - 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time)  2 hours (prime focus, manual change) 2 hours (prime focus, manual change) 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time) 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time) 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time) 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time)
    6 cm - - - - - - - - - - -
    5 cm1 - - - - 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time) - Direct by setting new LO 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time) 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time) 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time) 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time)
    5 cm2 - - - - 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time) Direct by setting new LO - 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time) 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time) 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time) 45 min (p/s* focus change possible at any time)
    S/X - - - -   - - - Direct by loading new setup  - -
    X - - - - - - - Direct by loading new setup - - -
    22 GHz - - - - - - - - - - -
    43 GHz - - - - - - - - - - -


    16030 MHz

    26668 MHz

    *p/s: primary/secondary