GMVA 4Gbps test (4.4.2019)

    Version as of 02:57, 28 Jul 2024

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    Prior to the regular fringe test of session c191 a test for recording at 4 Gbps will be executed

    Participating stations: VLBA, Pv, On, Ys, Mh, Ef, Noema

    Sky frequency band: 86012 - 86524 MHz  (512 MHz)



    RDBE DDC mode with 4x128 MHz bands, dual-pol

    sky freq start sky freq stop bandwidth Sideband
    86012 86140 128 USB
    86140 86268 128 USB
    86268 86396 128 USB
    86396 86524 128 USB

    DBBC2 stations (Pv, On, Ys, Mh, Ef)

    All DBBC2 stations should use:

    • DDC mode (firmware 107 beta3)
    • 8x64 MHz bands, dual-pol.
    • IF setup: identical to standard GMVA 2Gbps mode using 2 core boards
    • Use 2nd Nyquist zone: 512 -1024 MHz
    • dbbcform=astro


    bbc freq sideband     bandwidth
    576 LSB 86524 86460 64
      USB 86460 86396 64
    704 LSB 86396 86332 64
      USB 86332 86268 64
    832 LSB 86268 86204 64
      USB 86204 86140 64
    960 LSB 86140 86076 64
      USB 86076 86012 64

    DBBC3 stations (P3)

    Pico Veleta will do simultaneous processing on the DBBC2 and DBBC3 backends.

    • DDC_V mode (firmware V124)
    • 16x32 MHz bands, dual-pol.

    R2DBE stations (NOEMA)

    Will use EHT mode: 1 x 2048 MHz dual-pol

    sky freq start sky freq start bandwidth sideband
    TBD TBD 2048 TBD