Technical Tests

    Table of contents
    1. 1. 2022
    2. 2. 2020
    3. 3. 2019
    4. 4. 2018
    5. 5. 2017
    6. 6. 2016


    code /date code Description
    14.6.2022 2022-06-14 polconvert cband Comparsion of PolConverted Linears to native circulars in C-Band (EVN-Test)


    code /date code Description
    21.2.2020 2020-02-21_dbbc3_ddc PV DBBC3 DDC_V Testing amplitude drop in the last 4 BBCs of Board C
    4.12.2020   NOEMA Phasing Test @ 3mm


    code Description
    4.4.2019 4Gbps test


    code Description
    t3mm19 3mm GLT commissioning: Ef,Eb,Ys,Gl


    Code Description
    e17o31 EHT Jan17 subset between Pico and APEX, DBBC3 and R2DBE
    e17d05_pv EHT April 2017. Zerobaseline test between R2DBEs and DBBC3 at Pico


    Code Description
    b163a GMVA fringe test. Primary goal was to confirm fringes to Pico
    t162a DBBC2 fullband mode test
    a163a DBBC2 fullband mode test
    e16c19 APEX /SMTO fringe test with new APEX receiver
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