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    Hh (26m) 90 cm UHF 21 cm 18 cm 6 cm 5 cm1 5 cm2 S/X X 22 GHz 43 GHz
    90 cm Unavail Unavail Unavail Unavail Unavail Unavail Unavail Unavail Unavail Unavail Unavail
    UHF Unavail Unavail Unavail Unavail Unavail Unavail Unavail Unavail Unavail Unavail Unavail
    21 cm Unavail Unavail Unavail Unavail


    Unavail Unavail Unavail Unavail Unavail Unavail


    Unavail Unavail Unavail - Direct, ~2min delay while secondary reflector moves Direct, ~2min delay while secondary reflector moves Direct, ~2min delay while secondary reflector moves Direct, ~2min delay while secondary reflector moves Direct, ~2min delay while secondary reflector moves Direct, ~2min delay while secondary reflector moves Unavail
    6 cm Unavail Unavail Unavail Direct, ~2min delay while secondary reflector moves - Direct, by setting new LO-freq. in prc-file. Direct, by setting new LO-freq. in prc-file. 1 hour, office working hours Direct, by setting new LO-freq. in prc-file. Direct, by setting new LO-freq. in prc-file. Unavail
    5 cm1 Unavail Unavail Unavail Direct, ~2min delay while secondary reflector moves Direct, by setting new LO-freq. in prc-file. - Direct, by setting new LO-freq. in prc-file. 1 hour, office working hours Direct, by setting new LO-freq. in prc-file. Direct, by setting new LO-freq. in prc-file. Unavail
    5 cm2 Unavail Unavail Unavail Direct, ~2min delay while secondary reflector moves Direct, by setting new LO-freq. in prc-file. Direct, by setting new LO-freq. in prc-file. - 1 hour, office working hours Direct, by setting new LO-freq. in prc-file. Direct, by setting new LO-freq. in prc-file. Unavail
    S/X Unavail Unavail Unavail Direct, ~2min delay while secondary reflector moves 1 hour, office working hours 1 hour, office working hours 1 hour, office working hours - 1 hour, office working hours  1 hour, office working hours Unavail
    X Unavail Unavail Unavail Direct, ~2min delay while secondary reflector moves Direct, by setting new LO-freq. in prc-file. Direct, by setting new LO-freq. in prc-file. Direct, by setting new LO-freq. in prc-file. 1 hour, office working hours - Direct, by setting new LO-freq. in prc-file. Unavail
    22 GHz Unavail Unavail Unavail Direct, ~2min delay while secondary reflector moves Direct, by setting new LO-freq. in prc-file. Direct, by setting new LO-freq. in prc-file. Direct, by setting new LO-freq. in prc-file. 1 hour, office working hours Direct, by setting new LO-freq. in prc-file. - Unavail
    43 GHz Unavail Unavail Unavail Unavail Unavail Unavail Unavail Unavail Unavail Unavail Unavail


    16030 MHz

    26668 MHz

    Available simultaneously with Hartebeesthoek(Ht) - parallel VLBI recording systems.

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