Admin Extranet

    • Identify Your Extranet

      Customer extranet (public)

      A customer extranet portal is a secure website that enables businesses to share documents, communicate and share content with customers in a central repository. The customer extranet portal provides access to collaborative tools with just an Internet connection.

      Partner extranet (private)

      The partner extranet portal is a private website that enables businesses to share content with partners in a secure environment. The partner extranet portal provides data connections with CRM as well as collaborative tools with just an Internet connection.

    • Sharing Official Documentation

      Creating new content makes your documentation richer and more valuable. Use the {{wiki.create{label:"New page", title:"New page created by ", button:false}}} link to add a page or use the Edit page link to make changes to an existing page.

      File management is simple, manageable and files are versioned with each modification.

      {{wiki.create{label:"create a new page", title:"New page created by ", button:false}}}

      Stay Informed

      Monitoring your extranet with MindTouch has never been easier. With page notifications you can receive edit overview emails when any or all pages are modified. Look for the icon on each page.

    • User / Role Management

      User management with MindTouch is easy, extensive and versatile. Create new users, roles and groups in the control panel.

      user manager

      Permissions and Privacy

      Need to keep something to yourself? Privacy with MindTouch is easy and secure.

      1. Go to the page you wish to protect
      2. Click More > Restrict Access
      3. Select the appropriate restriction level

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