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    // CleanTables() by neilw, 2009
    // Usage:
    //     CleanTables(table : str?)
    //        table = a single jQuery selector for tables you want to clean.  By default, all tables on the page are selected.
    //        Note that only tables inside div#content are affected.
    //        Examples:  "table#FixThisTableOnly", "table.FixAllTablesWithThisClass"
    var tableSelect = $0 ?? $table ?? "table";
    <script type="text/javascript"> "
        DekiWiki.$(document).ready(function($) {
            var $tables = Deki.$('div#pageContent "..tableSelect.."');
     	$tables.find('td > p:first-child').css({'margin-top':'0px', 'padding-top':'0px'});
    	$tables.find('td > p:last-child').css({'margin-bottom':'0px', 'padding-bottom':'0px'});
    " </script>
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