Effelsberg Publications

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    The 100-m radio telescope in Effelsberg is one of the main world facilities in radio astronomy.  A compilation of the publications including data taken with the telescope since 2003 is included here.  The publications are stored as ADS private libraries, to be easily browsed and to get bibliometric parameters (such as the total number of citations, h indices, etc.).  The publications are detached by group.  Every number is linked to the corresponding ADS list (private library).

    Effelsberg Refereed Publications
      External (non-MPIfR) Menten group Zensus group Wielebinski/Rest/Kramer group Total
    2003 22 12 4 14 52
    2004 29 4 3 12 48
    2005 26 7 6 7 46
    2006 33 8 8 10 59
    2007 34 7 9 15 65
    2008 33 6 11 7 57
    2009 20 8 15 8 50
    2010 32 14 8 8 60
    2011 30 9 14 20 73
    2012* 4     1 5
    Total 262 73 74 102 See below

    *: Updated as of January 31, 2012

    The publications since 2003 for the four observing modes are (compilation most probably incomplete): Continuum 108, Pulsar 38, Spectroscopy 133, and VLBI 124.

    The papers with Effelsberg data with the 1st author affiliated to the MPIfR are at present 106.  Among those, the most cited is Bertoldi et al. (2003)

    The most cited papers are:


    This page has been created after the study carried out for the future concept study (May 2009-Feb 2010) for the 100-m radio telescope in Effelsberg, and is maintained by Eduardo Ros.   Please report any missing paper or inconsistency in the database to his email address.

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