Fringe-fitting tools

    Table of contents


    As agreed by the participants of the EU-VGOS Correlation Meeting #8, Nov 15, 2021, a deki page will be created to adress fringe-fitting tools.


    • Gather knowledge about existing fringe-tools (HOPS, polconvert, pima, ...).
    • Provide examplarly commands to exectute these tools.
    • Gain insight into usablitiy of fringe-fitting tools.
    • List helpful links to already existing literature.



    helpful links

    Description of fourfit "Program control", "Program output", "Architecture", "Alogrithms", "Command line options", "Control file keywords", Multitone phase-cal", "File-based phase corrections", "Mk4 file system", "Subversion history", "Adding new parameters", and "Calling graphs":


    Detailed documentation about parameters stored in fourfit root file (e.g. 3C345.ngsbdc), type-1 file (e.g. AB.1.ngsbdc ), and type-2 file (AB.S.5.ngsbdc). Parameters can be accessed by Cor2Asc.


    alist & aedit

    .ovex file is required for some aedit tools such as psfile and psplot

    manually create ovex file:

    • take mk4 root file with all stations participating
    • take corr.vex file
    • repalce SCHED and SOURCE; section from corr.vex in mk4 root file
    • name it <session_name>.ovex (e.g. vo1072.ovex)
    Go to and copy ovex file to fringe-fitting folder (e.g. 1234)

    Create alist file

    cp ../vo1074.ovex 1234.ovex
    alist *
    sed -i 's/ 16383 / 1234 /g' alist.out
    grep -v "0.000000 0.000 -1 -1" alist.out > alist.ed.out



    cd ..
    cd 1234

    aedit with -f flag

    aedit -f alist.ed.out
    aedit> edi dup snr
    aedit> param
    aedit: Below is a list of available user-defined parameters that
    aedit: can be extracted from the fringe files.  Please indicate
    aedit: which ones you want with a space-delimited list of parameter
    aedit: index numbers.  The total number of parameters allowed is
    aedit: currently 256, and each array of parameters (denoted by the
    aedit: parentheses below) counts one for each array element
    aedit: An index number in parentheses indicates that the
    aedit: parameter is already in memory, but can be selected as
    aedit: a parameter for manipulation and output like the others
    aedit: INDEX  PARAMETER NAME                   INDEX  PARAMETER NAME
    aedit: -----  --------------                   -----  --------------
    aedit:  1:    ref_pcal_amp (32)                36:    yperror
    aedit:  2:    ref_pcal_phase (32)              37:    suppress
    aedit:  3:    ref_pcal_diff (32)               38:    ppupdate
    aedit:  4:    ref_pcal_freq (32)               39:    xslip
    aedit:  5:    ref_pcal_rate                    40:    yslip
    aedit:  6:    rem_pcal_amp (32)                41:    badsync
    aedit:  7:    rem_pcal_phase (32)              42:    ref_drive
    aedit:  8:    rem_pcal_diff (32)               43:    rem_drive
    aedit:  9:    rem_pcal_freq (32)               44:    utc_central
    aedit: 10:    rem_pcal_rate                    45:    utc_epoch
    aedit: 11:    trkno_ref_usb (32)               46:    clock_delay
    aedit: 12:    trkno_ref_lsb (32)               47:    prob_false
    aedit: 13:    trkno_rem_usb (32)               (51):  length
    aedit: 14:    trkno_rem_lsb (32)               (52):  timetag
    aedit: 15:    errate_ref_usb (32)              (53):  amplitude
    aedit: 16:    errate_ref_lsb (32)              (54):  snr
    aedit: 17:    errate_rem_usb (32)              (55):  phase
    aedit: 18:    errate_rem_lsb (32)              (56):  resid_sbd
    aedit: 19:    nap_usb (32)                     (57):  resid_mbd
    aedit: 20:    nap_lsb (32)                     (58):  ambiguity
    aedit: 21:    corel_amp (32)                   (59):  resid_rate
    aedit: 22:    corel_phase (32)                 (60):  ref_elevation
    aedit: 23:    rate_error                       (61):  rem_elevation
    aedit: 24:    mbdelay_error                    (62):  ref_azimuth
    aedit: 25:    sbdelay_error                    (63):  rem_azimuth
    aedit: 26:    total_phase                      (64):  u
    aedit: 27:    tot_phase_mid                    (65):  v
    aedit: 28:    incoh_amp_seg                    (66):  ref_frequency
    aedit: 29:    incoh_amp_freq                   (67):  total_ec_phase
    aedit: 30:    mhz_arcsec_ns                    (68):  total_rate
    aedit: 31:    mhz_arcsec_ew                    (69):  total_mbd
    aedit: 32:    pcnt_discard                     (70):  total_sbd-mbd
    aedit: 33:    min_max_ratio                    (71):  procdate
    aedit: 34:    lo_frequency (32)                (72):  qcode
    aedit: 35:    xperror                           
    aedit: Response:
    aedit: Response: 72
    aedit: Successfully extracted requested information for 11237 data records
    aedit> plot
    aedit> quit
    aedit: Are you sure? (y/n) : y
    aedit:     aedit session ends -- Goodbye!


    aedit one-liner

    aedit -b "read alist.ed.out; edi dup snr; param 72 54; pwrite snr.txt"
    aedit -b "read alist.ed.out; edi dup snr; psfile qcodes_all.txt"
    cat qcodes_all.txt | sed -n -e '/Qcodes/,$p' > qcodes_summary_table.txt

    psplot to check g-codes

    aedit -f alist.ed.out
    aedit> edi dup snr
    aedit> psplot


    Extract values of important params from fringe SY:
    CorAsc2 208 < SY.X.13.1OR74I
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