Version as of 22:23, 27 Jul 2024

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    DDC Mode

    Configuring the BBCs (DDC_U mode)

    open c:/DBBC_CONF/config_ddc_u.txt

    1 3024.0 64
    2 3152.0 64
    3 3280.0 64
    4 3408.0 64
    5 0.0 64
    6 0.0 64
    7 0.0 64
    8 0.0 64
    9 ....

    column 1: BBC number

    column 2: Frequency in MHz. Setting a frequency to 0.0 will disable the BBC

    column 3: Bandwidth in MHz


    BBC Board eth device  
    1-8 A eth0  
    9-16 B eth0  
    17-24 C eth0  
    25-32 D eth0  
    ... ... ...  
    65-72 A eth1  
    73-80 B eth1  
    ... ... ...  


    • If defining less than 8 BBCs per block the vsi-bitmask must be set in order to not output any data streams for the disabled BBC. The vsi_bitmask command must be set prior to the vdif_frame command:
    vsi_bitmask 0x0000FFFF 0x0000FFFF 0x0000FFFF 0x0000FFFF
    vdif_frame ...

            The above example sets the mask for 4 BBCs per block

    • If defining bandwidths < 128 MHz the clock devisor must be set with the vsi_samplerate directive before setting the vdif_frame command:
    vsi_samplerate 128000000 2

    The above line will set the sampling clock for 64 MHz bands.

    OCT Mode