PV Station

    Version as of 01:44, 12 Dec 2024

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    Name Email Phone Skype
    Salvador Sanchez sanchez@iram.es +34 958482002 138  
    Helge Rottmann rottmann@mpifr.de +49 228 525 123 helgerottmann


    Mark5B+ OS Debian Etch (2.6.18 kernel)
    SDK 9.2
    software version

    jive5ab 2.5.1

    dimino 2.2.1

    Mark5C OS Debian Lenny (2.6.26 kernel)
    SDK 9.2
    software version

    jive5ab 2.5.1

    drs  0.9.19-1

    4 x Mark6 OS Debian Squeeze (6.0.10)
    software version

    dplane 1.14

    cplane 1.0.13-1

    m6-pyhton-utils 1.0.4

    python-pynetinfo ?

    M6utils ?





    DBBC 2

    PFB firmware version 14 (calibration)

    DDC firmware version v104 (calibration)

    FILA10G firmware version 3.3.2_0

    Hardware: ADB1, CAT2

    current RCP/LCP cabling   frontside view

    Field System

    Version 9.11.6


    FTP transfer speed

     11MB/s (measured 26.9.2014 10AM)

    5.5 MB/s (17.12.2014 20:00)

    6.8 MB/s (18.12.2014 10:00)

    6.8 MB/s  (18.12.2014 11:30)