Table of contents
Which users are currently logged into NorthStar
grep -e "Succesfull logon" -e "logged out" /var/log/tomcat8/useradministration/useradministration.log
Deactivate email notification to users
edit /usr/share/tomcat5.5/conf/context.xml
<Resource auth="Container" name="mail/Session" type="javax.mail.Session""" />
<Resource auth="Container" name="mail/Session" type="javax.mail.Session""" testserver="localhost""" />
then restart tomcat
/etc/init.d/tomcat stop /etc/init.d/tomcat start
Find user name/email
mysql -h -u northstar -p --execute 'select useraccount.username,user.firstname, user.lastname, FROM useraccount INNER JOIN user ON useraccount.userid WHERE useraccount.username="astroandrey";' useradministration
Users cannot react to proposal invitation
This is normally caused by a difference of the email address specified by the inviting person and the email address actually used by the invited person.
Workarround: table invitations contains the unaccepted invitations. Find the ones for the proposal in questions and make note of the memberIDs.
These memberIDs will appear in the table nonregisteredmembers. Find the record corresponding to the person having trouble with the invitation. Delete this record from nonregisteredmembers.
Now goto database useradminstration table user and find the userID of the person having trouble. Make note of the userID.
Table registeredmembers contains the members that have already accepted the invitation. Insert a new record using the userID and memberID obtained in the steps above.
Finally go to table invitations and delete the record corresponding to the memberID in question.
The user should now see the proposal when they log into NorthStar
Add/change receiver information
The file contains two contexts (regular, Target of Opportunity). All changes need to be done in both context sections.
Order of proposal categories when starting a new proposal
The proposal categories are read from the database and are stored internally as a TreeSet. Therefore the order is determined by Java's compareTo operator. Practially that means that categories appear in alphabetical order with capital letters being first. If the default behaviour is to be changed the SetUpSelectTelescpopeAction in the northstar-web-lib needs to be overridden:
Move Proposal to different semester
1) Find id of proposal (e.g. with ProposalAdmin)
2) in mysql obtain semesterId of the proposal
FROM `proposal`
WHERE `id` =863
LIMIT 0 , 30
3) in mysql obtain the new semesterId
FROM `semester`
WHERE `semester` LIKE '2015 B'
LIMIT 0 , 30
4) Lookup free proposal code for the new semester (e.g. in ProposalAdmin)
5) Change semesterid and code
UPDATE `northstar`.`proposal` SET `code` = '18-15',
`semesterid` = '48' WHERE `proposal`.`id` =863;
6) Reopen semester (if already closed)
UPDATE `northstar`.`semester` SET `deadlinedatetime` = '2015-02-06 15:00:00',
`closed` = '0' WHERE `semester`.`id` =48;
7) Change proposal state
In the NorthStar "proposal administrative" area change the proposal state from "submitted" to "under review". This will also automatically recreate the PDF.
8) Close the semester
The semester that has been reopened in step 6) needs to be closed again. This can be done within the NorthStar "proposal administrative" area.